The Open Systems and Services Department of Kinemetrics offers customized system solutions for a wide range of seismic, structural monitoring, and environmental applications.
The most comprehensive earthquake monitoring solution for nuclear power plants (NPPs) -- including seismic-event data recording, retrieval, analysis and notification via hardware alarms and hard-copy reports -- all in one system.
TotalEQ™ is a comprehensive state-of-the-art solution to monitoring induced seismicity from sub-zero magnitudes to any magnitude value due to its novel "network tie-in" capability.
OASIS for pEQ BORA is a hardware and software system for real-time occupancy resumption assessment and an on-line structural monitoring system for continuous integrity evaluation in response to earthquakes.
Aspen is a distributed open-architecture system designed to provide a comprehensive set of environmental monitoring data and processed information.
Kinemetrics' integrated SHM system offers precise information to help engineers and managers assess the state of health of their structures and target specifiic regions to inspect.
The Verification Data Acquisition System VDAS is a commercial-off-the-shelf distributed, open-architecture system addressing the special needs of the nuclear treaty verification community.
Sierra provides rapid information for earthquake mitigation by monitoring seismic events from local, regional and national networks and arrays.